Thursday, December 19, 2013


Having a baby is wonderful. The love that you have for this little human is indescribable. It is a magical experience. But the real reason people have children is because you get to name them:) I know most little kids start with brainstorming monikers for their future progeny in elementary school (okay maybe only some of them, probably of the XX chromosome variety). When I met Landon he told me he was the fourth generation of his initials LEC and wanted to carry on the tradition with his firstborn. With that announcement the wheels began turning and anytime I heard a good "L" name I would hide it in my hear just like Mary.  Seven years later when we finally got pregnant (a good story, one for another time) the "L" name search shifted into high gear.  On a whim after trying other L-words-as-names (lock, low, etc) I threw out the name Lake.  Both of us liked it! As we shared our ideas with friends and family, our generation was firmly on board while the older set was perhaps a little apprehensive.  One friend said that "Lake Elijah" was a cool kid name, which immediately made me like it more.  Although I hope for many things for my son, like being kind, intentional, loving, spiritual, hearing that his name alone could add to his cool factor made my little inner high school nerd happy.  After all of this time spent thinking and analyzing about his name I now as his mom call him: Punkin, Punkin Head, Snuggle Puppy, CheeCher, CheeChee Baby, and Angel Butt!!!!  Seriously, I have no idea!  What happened to this cool, generational name I spent years agonizing over?  And Snuggle Puppy, really?  I don't even like dogs!  I kind of know how each of these names came about but none are that good of a story (okay, the CheeChee ones are based on my childhood love of Senior PGA golfer ChiChi Rodriguez) and none of them are ones that I would consciously choose to nickname my beloved son with.  So why can I not stop myself from singing out to him, "Oh CheeChee Baby, CheeChee Baby, CheeChee Baby Boy!"  Thank goodness he is still young enough to not be embarrassed by the ridiculous that comes out of mouth but seriously is this just a weird mom thing no one told me about or am I just the most absurd mother alive?

Do you have any embarrassing nicknames for your loved ones?

Monday, December 16, 2013

First Post

After being an avid, albeit silent blog reader for years, I have decided it is finally time to start a blog of my own. This decision was reached after a night of struggling to fall asleep. My mind had been racing of all the things I wanted to do to be a good wife/mother/teacher/friend/daughter/Christian/human. On the list of things I wanted to do was be reflective, be a treasure chest of our family's happy memories, keep a baby book for Lake, and stay in contact with family and friends. I decided that night at 11:30 pm, a whopping 40 minutes before I would be woken up for Lake's fist night feeding, that I would start a blog. And now look at me, only a few weeks later, I actually started it. I hope this place becomes a space where I can record my thoughts about what I am learning as well a record of all the cute things Lake does;)